2025-03-02 20:37:52 +01:00

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* Building: We patch our version of stalwart and thus need to built it locally.
* Be aware that this needs some hours, about 12Gb RAM and a few Gb free space in /tmp.
* If you only want to deploy configuration changes and no software updates, consider building on the target VM.
* It has stalwart in its nix store and does not need to rebuild it.
* Forwarding mails: Update the Sops-secrets in the machine directory, rebuild on the VM and deploy.
* Everything else should happen automatically but new redirects might take up to two hours due HRZ infrastructure.
* Using the web admin interface: Set your SSH to do portforwarding of some local port to port 80 of the VM and
* and use your personal admin account or create one using the fallback admin password.
* Create users with mail boxes: Go to the admin interface and create them.
* Stalwart mailserver docs can be found at
* DNS-Records: Collect the right DNS entries from the management interface and copy them to the DNS hoster. Caution:
* Not all entries are applicable since we relay via HRZ.
}: let
inherit (lib.types) listOf strMatching nonEmptyStr path;
cfg =;
in { = {
enable = mkEnableOption "mathebau mail service";
stalwartAdmin = mkOption {
type = path;
description = "Path to a file that contains the stalwart fallback admin password encoded for HTTP Basic Auth. Update together with the stalwartAdminHash and the pass store.";
stalwartAdminHash = mkOption {
type = nonEmptyStr;
description = "String containing the hashed fallback admin password. Update together with the stalwartAdmin setting and the pass store.";
domains = mkOption {
type = listOf (lib.types.submodule {
options = {
domain = mkOption {
description = "Domain name that we serve. We also push its addresses to HRZ.";
type = strMatching "^([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$"; #Regex from
allowlistPass = mkOption {
description = "Password file for the HRZ API that gets a list of mailaddresses that we serve";
type = path;
virt_aliases = mkOption {
description = "File path to a virtual alias file applicable for this domain";
type = path;
default = "/dev/null"; # there might not be an alias file and reading an empty one works with our implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services = {
stalwart-mail = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
settings = {
server = {
hostname = ""; # Because the DNS PTR of is this and this should be used in SMTP EHLO.
listener = {
"smtp" = {
bind = ["[::]:25"];
protocol = "smtp";
"submissions" = {
bind = ["[::]:465"];
protocol = "smtp";
tls.implicit = true;
"imaptls" = {
bind = ["[::]:993"];
protocol = "imap";
tls.implicit = true;
"management" = {
# Cthulhu forwards requests for and and
# for TLS certificate challenge validation
# whereas the rest of the management interface is not available publically.
# It can be reached via SSH and portforwarding.
bind = ["[::]:80"];
protocol = "http";
acme.letsencrypt = {
directory = ""; # This setting is necessary for this block to be activated
challenge = "http-01";
contact = [""];
domains = ["" "" "" ""];
default = true;
# Reevaluate after DKIM and DMARC deployment = "Dummyheader"; # disable moving to spam which would conflict with forwarding
auth = {
# TODO check if HRZ and our own VMs conform to these standards and we can validate them strictly
dkim.verify = "relaxed";
arc.verify = "relaxed";
dmarc.verify = "relaxed";
iprev.verify = "relaxed";
spf.verify.ehlo = "relaxed";
spf.verify.mail-from = "relaxed";
# Sign *our* outgoing mails with the configured signatures.
dkim.sign = [
"if" = "is_local_domain('', sender_domain) || sender_domain == ''";
"then" = "['rsa-' + sender_domain, 'ed25519-' + sender_domain]";
{"else" = false;}
# Forward outgoing mail to HRZ or mail VMs.
# see relay host example
queue.outbound = {
next-hop = [
"if" = "rcpt_domain = ''";
"then" = "'mailman'";
"if" = "is_local_domain('', rcpt_domain)";
"then" = "'local'";
{"else" = "'hrz'";}
tls = {
# we only talk to HRZ and our own VMs anyway
mta-sts = "disable";
dane = "disable";
starttls = "optional"; # e.g. Lobon does not offer starttls
remote = {
"hrz" = {
address = "";
port = 25;
protocol = "smtp";
tls.implicit = false; # Don't assume TLS on this port but use STARTTLS
"mailman" = {
address = ""; # must be created in DNS as a MX record because this field does not accept ip addresses.
port = 25;
protocol = "smtp";
tls.implicit = false; # Don't assume TLS on this port but use STARTTLS
session = {
ehlo.require = [
"if" = "starts_with(remote_ip, '192.168.0.')"; #TODO setup vms properly
"then" = false;
{"else" = true;}
ehlo.reject-non-fqdn = [
"if" = "starts_with(remote_ip, '192.168.0.')"; #TODO setup vms properly
"then" = false;
{"else" = true;}
rcpt = {
# In order to accept mail that we only forward
# without having to generate an account.
# Invalid addresses are filtered by DFN beforehand.
# See also
catch-all = true;
relay = [
"if" = "!is_empty(authenticated_as) || rcpt_domain == '' || starts_with(remote_ip, '192.168.0.')"; #TODO restrict trust by IP
"then" = true;
{"else" = false;}
data.script = "'redirects'";
# Stalwart gets its configuration from two places: A TOML configuration file that we control in this module
# and from a database that can be configured from web management interface or via Rest API.
# We here define what comes from the TOML-file and especially add "sieve.trusted.*" to the default ones
# because only TOML-based keys may use macros to load files from disk.
# We want this to be able to load our sieve-script for mail forwarding.
# See for more details.
config.local-keys =
] # the default ones
++ ["sieve.trusted.*"]; #for macros to be able to include our redirection script
sieve.trusted = {
scripts.redirects.contents = "%{file:/tmp/virt_aliases}%"; # generated redirect script
from-addr = "sender"; # set the from-address to the original sender as specified in the MAIL FROM.
from-name = "sender";
return-path = "sender";
# If we are the sender, we sign the message with DKIM. Else we leave it alone.
sign = [
"if" = "is_local_domain('', sender_domain) || sender_domain == ''";
"then" = "['rsa-' + sender_domain, 'ed25519-' + sender_domain]";
{"else" = false;}
limits = {
redirects = 50;
out-messages = 50;
# See
# We need two blocks per domain because the domain setting in the blocks does not accept variables like `sender_domain`.
signature = let
signatureTemplate = domain: {
"rsa-${domain}" = {
private-key = "%{file:/run/secrets/dkim_rsa}%";
domain = "${domain}";
selector = "rsa-default";
headers = ["From" "To" "Cc" "Date" "Subject" "Message-ID" "Organization" "MIME-Version" "Content-Type" "In-Reply-To" "References" "List-Id" "User-Agent" "Thread-Topic" "Thread-Index"];
algorithm = "rsa-sha256";
canonicalization = "relaxed/relaxed";
"ed25519-${domain}" = {
private-key = "%{file:/run/secrets/dkim_ed25519}%";
domain = "${domain}";
selector = "ed-default";
headers = ["From" "To" "Cc" "Date" "Subject" "Message-ID" "Organization" "MIME-Version" "Content-Type" "In-Reply-To" "References" "List-Id" "User-Agent" "Thread-Topic" "Thread-Index"];
algorithm = "ed25519-sha256";
canonicalization = "relaxed/relaxed";
map signatureTemplate ([""] ++ (map ({domain, ...}: domain);
authentication.fallback-admin = {
user = "admin";
# see passwd on azathoth for plaintext or machine secret in encoded format for HTTP Basic AUTH
secret = cfg.stalwartAdminHash;
store = {
# structured data in SQLite, blobs on filesystem
db.type = "sqlite";
db.path = "/var/lib/stalwart-mail/data/index.sqlite3";
fs.type = "fs";
fs.path = "/var/lib/stalwart-mail/data/blobs";
environment.persistence.${} = {
directories = [
files = ["/root/.ssh/known_hosts"]; # for the backup server bragi
systemd = {
timers."mailAllowlist" = {
wantedBy = [""];
timerConfig = {
OnBootSec = "1h"; # Run every hour
OnUnitActiveSec = "1h";
RandomizedDelaySec = "10m"; # prevent overload on regular intervals
Unit = "mailAllowlist.service";
services = {
"mailAllowlist" = {
description = "Allowlist update: Post the mail addresses to the HRZ allowllist";
script = let
scriptTemplate = {
}: ''
echo "process ${domain}"
# This line gets the available mailboxes from stalwart's Rest API, searches for their addresses and collects them to a file for submission.
# The regex searches for alphanumerics combined with some special characters as local paths and the right domain.
# Exclude @domain.tld which is not a valid mail address but used for catch-all accounts.
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s --header "authorization: Basic $(<${cfg.stalwartAdmin})" http://localhost/api/principal | ${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep -o -e "[A-Za-z0-9.!#\$%&'*+-/=?^_{|}~]*@${domain}" | grep -v "@${domain}" | tee /tmp/addresses
# This line searches for available redirects and adds them to the submission file.
${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep -o -e "[A-Za-z0-9.!#\$%&'*+-/=?^_{|}~]*@${domain}" /tmp/virt_aliases >> /tmp/addresses # This doesn't catch all RFC conform local parts. Improve if you need.
# Post local-parts to HRZ, see
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s -F emaildomain=${domain} -F password=$(cat ${allowlistPass}) -F emailliste=@/tmp/addresses -F meldungen=voll
# Cleanup submission file
rm /tmp/addresses
lib.strings.concatStringsSep "" (map scriptTemplate;
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
User = "stalwart-mail";
NoNewPrivileges = true;
# See
PrivateTmp = false; # allow access to sieve script
ProtectHome = true;
ReadOnlyPaths = "/";
ReadWritePaths = "/tmp";
InaccessiblePaths = "-/lost+found";
PrivateDevices = true;
PrivateUsers = true;
ProtectHostname = true;
ProtectClock = true;
ProtectKernelTunables = true;
ProtectKernelModules = true;
ProtectKernelLogs = true;
ProtectControlGroups = true;
LockPersonality = true;
MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true;
RestrictRealtime = true;
RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
# This service is defined by the nixpkgs stalwart module and we only modify it.
"stalwart-mail" = {
restartTriggers = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (_: aliaslist: aliaslist.sopsFile) config.sops.secrets; # restart if secrets, especially alias files, have changed.
serviceConfig.PrivateTmp = lib.mkForce false; # enable access to generated Sieve script
serviceConfig.ProtectSystem = lib.mkForce "full"; # "strict" does not allow writing to /tmp which we need for unpacking the webadmin interface. "full" is less strict.
"virt-aliases-generator" = {
description = "Virtual Aliases Generator: Generate a sieve script from the virtual alias file";
script = lib.strings.concatStringsSep "" (["${pkgs.alias-to-sieve}/bin/alias_to_sieve "] ++ map (x: "${x.virt_aliases} ${x.domain} ") ++ ["> /tmp/virt_aliases"]);
wantedBy = ["stalwart-mail.service"]; # Rerun on stalwart restart because forwardings may have changed.
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
User = "stalwart-mail";
NoNewPrivileges = true;
# See
PrivateTmp = false;
ProtectHome = true;
ReadOnlyPaths = "/";
ReadWritePaths = "/tmp";
InaccessiblePaths = "-/lost+found";
PrivateDevices = true;
PrivateUsers = true;
ProtectHostname = true;
ProtectClock = true;
ProtectKernelTunables = true;
ProtectKernelModules = true;
ProtectKernelLogs = true;
ProtectControlGroups = true;
LockPersonality = true;
MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true;
RestrictRealtime = true;
RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
# Backups = {
paths = [
encryption.mode = "none"; # Otherwise the key is next to the backup or we have human interaction.
environment = {
BORG_RSH = "ssh -i /run/secrets/backupKey";
# “Borg ensures that backups are not created on random drives that just happen to contain a Borg repository.”
# We don't want this in order to not need to persist borg cache and simplify new deployments.
repo = "borg@"; # TODO for
startAt = "daily";
user = "root";
group = "root";