Datenbanken, erster Versuch

This commit is contained in:
Gonne 2022-08-29 22:58:19 +02:00
parent b26544756a
commit 766aedf22d
21 changed files with 678 additions and 320 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
# Test binary, built with `go test -c`
@ -17,3 +20,5 @@ vendor/
# Go workspace file

controllers/handlers.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package controllers
import (
// BaseHandler will hold everything that controller needs
type BaseHandler struct {
roomRepo models.RoomRepository
officeHourRepo models.OfficeHourRepository
courseRepo models.CourseRepository
tutorRepo models.TutorRepository
// NewBaseHandler returns a new BaseHandler
func NewBaseHandler(roomRepo models.RoomRepository, officeHourRepo models.OfficeHourRepository, courseRepo models.CourseRepository, tutorRepo models.TutorRepository) *BaseHandler {
return &BaseHandler{roomRepo, officeHourRepo, courseRepo, tutorRepo}
func (b *BaseHandler) RootHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
b.writeTimetablePage(w, req, template.HTML(""))
func (b *BaseHandler) GetByRoomHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
roomId, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("raum"))
room, err := b.roomRepo.FindById(roomId)
if err != nil {
b.RootHandler(w, req)
officeHours, _ := b.officeHourRepo.FindByRoom(room)
b.writeTimetablePage(w, req, printTimetable(GetTimetable(officeHours)))
func (b *BaseHandler) GetByCourseHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
courseid, err := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("veranstaltung"))
if err != nil {
b.RootHandler(w, req)
course, err := b.courseRepo.FindById(courseid)
if err != nil {
b.RootHandler(w, req)
officeHours, _ := b.officeHourRepo.FindByCourse(course)
b.writeTimetablePage(w, req, printTimetable(GetTimetable(officeHours)))
func (b *BaseHandler) writeTimetablePage(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, timetable template.HTML) {
courses, _ := b.courseRepo.GetAll()
rooms, _ := b.roomRepo.GetAll()
selectedRoom, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("raum"))
selectedCourse, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("veranstaltung"))
data := struct {
Courses []models.Course
Rooms []models.Room
Timetable template.HTML
SelectedRoom int
SelectedCourse int
}{courses, rooms, timetable, selectedRoom, selectedCourse}
tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles("templates/index.html")
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Template konnte nicht geparst werden : %s", string(err.Error()))))
err = tmpl.Execute(w, data)
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Template konnte nicht geparst werden : %s", string(err.Error()))))

controllers/timetable.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
// timetable.go
package controllers
import (
func GetTimetable(officeHours []models.OfficeHour) (timetable map[models.Date]map[int]models.OfficeHour, slots []int) {
var fullTimetable = make(map[models.Date]map[int]models.OfficeHour)
for _, officeHour := range officeHours {
var slot int = 0
for minute := 0; minute < officeHour.Duration; minute += models.MinuteGranularity { // find slot id
_, exists := fullTimetable[models.Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}]
if exists {
_, exists := fullTimetable[models.Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}][slot]
if exists {
slot += 1
minute = 0
} else {
fullTimetable[models.Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}] = make(map[int]models.OfficeHour)
for minute := 0; minute < officeHour.Duration; minute += models.MinuteGranularity { // write officeHour id to timetable
fullTimetable[models.Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}][slot] = officeHour
slots = []int{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
for date, _ := range fullTimetable {
if slots[date.Day] < len(fullTimetable[date]) {
slots[date.Day] = len(fullTimetable[date])
timetable = make(map[models.Date]map[int]models.OfficeHour)
for _, officeHour := range officeHours {
for slot := 0; slot < slots[officeHour.Date.Day]; slot += 1 {
if fullTimetable[officeHour.Date][slot] == officeHour {
timetable[officeHour.Date] = make(map[int]models.OfficeHour)
timetable[officeHour.Date][slot] = officeHour
return fullTimetable, slots
func printTimetable(timetable map[models.Date]map[int]models.OfficeHour, slots []int) template.HTML {
var tableBody string
tableCell, _ := template.ParseFiles("templates/td.html")
for hour := 8; hour < 19; hour += 1 {
for minute := 0; minute < 60; minute += models.MinuteGranularity {
tableBody += "<tr>"
if minute == 0 {
tableBody += fmt.Sprintf("<td>%d Uhr</td>\n", hour)
} else {
tableBody += "<td></td>\n"
for day := 0; day < 5; day += 1 {
for slot := 0; slot < slots[day]; slot += 1 {
current, currentExists := timetable[models.Date{day, hour, minute}][slot]
if currentExists { // This slot is taken by some office hour
var continued bool = false // is this slot occupied by the same office hour the previous minute?
var predecessorExists bool
var predecessor models.OfficeHour
if hour > 0 && minute < models.MinuteGranularity {
predecessor, predecessorExists = timetable[models.Date{day, hour - 1, 60 - models.MinuteGranularity}][slot]
} else {
predecessor, predecessorExists = timetable[models.Date{day, hour, minute - models.MinuteGranularity}][slot]
if predecessorExists {
continued = (predecessor == current)
} else {
continued = false
if continued {
} else {
var celldata bytes.Buffer
data := struct {
Rowspan int
StartHour int
StartMinute int
EndHour int
EndMinute int
CourseName string
TutorName string
RoomName string
}{current.Duration / models.MinuteGranularity,
current.Hour + ((current.Minute + current.Duration) / 60),
(current.Minute + current.Duration) % 60,
tableCell.Execute(&celldata, data)
tableBody += celldata.String()
} else {
if slot+1 == slots[day] {
tableBody += "<td style=\"border-right: 1px dotted\"></td>\n"
} else {
tableBody += "<td></td>\n"
tableBody += "</tr>\n"
var table bytes.Buffer
tableTemplate, _ := template.ParseFiles("templates/officeHourTable.html")
tableData := struct {
ColspanMon int
ColspanTue int
ColspanWed int
ColspanThu int
ColspanFri int
TableBody template.HTML
tableTemplate.Execute(&table, tableData)
return template.HTML(table.String())

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// course
package main
type Course struct {
Id int
Name string
Active bool
func getCourses() []Course {
return []Course{
Course{1, "Dummyveranstaltung", true},
Course{2, "Dummyveranstaltung 2", true},

dummydatasqlite.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
INSERT INTO `room` (name, max_occupy) VALUES ('S2 15 345',2),('S2 15 415',1),('S2 15 336',2),('S2 15 444',1),('S2 15 333',1),('S2 14 420',1),('Sonstige',1024);
INSERT INTO `officeHour` VALUES (0,1,1,12,0,1,1,0,'',true,60),(1,1,1,12,15,2,1,0,'',true,60),(2,1,1,12,30,1,2,0,'',true,60);
INSERT INTO `tutor` (name, email) VALUES ('Dummyname','');
INSERT INTO `course` (name) VALUES ('Integrationstheorie'),('Analysis II (engl.)'),('Analysis II'),('Mathe II für Informatik'),('Mathe II für Bauwesen'),('Diskrete Optimierung'),('Lineare Algebra II'),('Einführung in die Algebra'),('FGdI I&II'),('Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics'),('Einführung in die Stochastik'),('Mathe II für ET'),('Mathe II für Maschinenbau'),('Mathe IV für Maschinenbau'),('Num Mathe für MB (IV)'),('Höhere Mathematik II'),('Elementare PDE'),('LA für Physik und Lehramt'),('Analysis I'),('Mathe III ET'),('Mathe I für Informatik'),('Complex Analysis'),('Mathe & Statistik für Biologen'),('Mathe I für Maschinenbau'),('Mathe I für Bau'),('Nichtlineare Optimierung'),('Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik'),('Differentialgeometrie'),('Mathe I für ET'),('Mathe III (Bau)'),('W. Theorie'),('Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen'),('Geometrie für Lehramt'),('Mathe III MB'),('Statistik I für Humanwissenschaftler'),('Einführung in die Optimierung'),('Algebra'),('Lineare Algebra I'),('Höhere Mathematik 1'),('Darstellende Geometrie'),('Statistik 1 für WI'),('Diskrete Mathematik'),('Linear Algebra I (engl.)'),('Introduction to mathematical logic'),('Statistik I für WI'),('Weihnachtsknobelstraße'),('Numerische Lineare Algebra'),('Mathe IV (ET) / Mathe III (Inf) / Praktische Mathe (MEd)'),('Topologie'),('Linear Algebra II (engl.)'),('Einführung in die Finanzmathematik'),('Einführung in die mathematische Software'),('Mathematische Statistik'),('Algebraische Kurven'),('Analysis I (engl.)'),('Funktionalanalysis'),('Lebensversicherungsmathematik'),('Automaten, Formale Sprachen und Entscheidbarkeit (FGdI)'),('Mathematik für Chemiker'),('Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen'),('Darstellungstheorie'),('Aussagen- und Prädikatenlogik'),('Riemannsche Flächen'),('Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik'),('Elementare Zahlentheorie'),('Einführung in die mathematische Modellierung'),('Stochastische Prozesse I'),('Mathematik im Kontext'),('Funktionalanalysis II'),('Mathematik IV (für ET) /Mathematik III (für Inf) /PraktischeMathematik (für M.Ed.Math)'),('Differentialgeometrie fuer VI'),('Probability Theory'),('Mathe für MINT'),('Mathematik als gemeinsame Sprache der Naturwissenschaften'),('Lineare Algebra I für Physiker'),('Manifolds'),('Kurvenschätzung'),('Spieltheorie'),('Einführung in die Programmierung'),('Algebraische Topologie'),('Schadenversicherungsmathematik'),('Partial Differential Equations I');

View File

@ -1,68 +1,27 @@
package main
import (
func root(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
writeTimetablePage(w, req, template.HTML(""))
func getByRoom(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
room, err := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("raum"))
if err != nil || room == 0 {
root(w, req)
writeTimetablePage(w, req, printTimetable(getTimetable(getOfficeHoursByRoom(room))))
func getByCourse(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
course, err := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("veranstaltung"))
if err != nil || course == 0 {
root(w, req)
writeTimetablePage(w, req, printTimetable(getTimetable(getOfficeHoursByCourse(course))))
func writeTimetablePage(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, timetable template.HTML) {
room, err := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("raum"))
if err != nil {
room = 0
course, err := strconv.Atoi(req.FormValue("veranstaltung"))
if err != nil {
course = 0
data := struct {
Courses []Course
Rooms []Room
Timetable template.HTML
SelectedRoom int
SelectedCourse int
}{getCourses(), getRooms(), timetable, room, course}
tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles("templates/index.html")
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Template konnte nicht geparst werden : %s", string(err.Error()))))
err = tmpl.Execute(w, data)
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Template konnte nicht geparst werden : %s", string(err.Error()))))
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/getByRoom", getByRoom)
http.HandleFunc("/getByCourse", getByCourse)
db := sqldb.ConnectDB()
http.HandleFunc("/", root)
// Create repos
roomRepo := repositories.NewRoomRepo(db)
courseRepo := repositories.NewCourseRepo(db)
tutorRepo := repositories.NewTutorRepo(db)
officeHourRepo := repositories.NewOfficeHourRepo(db, roomRepo, tutorRepo, courseRepo)
h := controllers.NewBaseHandler(roomRepo, officeHourRepo, courseRepo, tutorRepo)
http.HandleFunc("/getByRoom", h.GetByRoomHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/getByCourse", h.GetByCourseHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/", h.RootHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

models/course.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// course
package models
type Course struct {
Id int
Name string
type CourseRepository interface {
FindByName(name string) (Course, error)
GetAll() ([]Course, error)
FindById(id int) (Course, error)
GetActive() ([]Course, error)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
// date
package main
package models
type Date struct {
Day int
Hour int
Minute int
const MinuteGranularity int = 5

models/officeHour.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// officeHour
package models
type OfficeHour struct {
Id int
Tutor Tutor
Week int
Room Room
Course Course
Info string
Active bool
Duration int
type OfficeHourRepository interface {
FindById(id int) (OfficeHour, error)
FindByCourse(course Course) ([]OfficeHour, error)
FindByRoom(room Room) ([]OfficeHour, error)
GetAll() ([]OfficeHour, error)
Delete(officeHour OfficeHour) error
Add(officeHour OfficeHour) error

models/room.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// raum
package models
type Room struct {
Id int
Name string
MaxOccupy int
type RoomRepository interface {
FindByName(name string) (Room, error)
GetAll() ([]Room, error)
FindById(id int) (Room, error)

models/tutor.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// tutor
package models
type Tutor struct {
Id int
Name string
Email string
type TutorRepository interface {
FindByEmail(Email string) ([]Tutor, error)
FindById(Id int) (Tutor, error)
GetAll() ([]Tutor, error)
Add(tutor Tutor) error

View File

@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
// officeHour
package main
import (
const minuteGranularity int = 5
type OfficeHour struct {
Id int
Tutor Tutor
Week int
Room Room
Course Course
Info string
Active bool
Duration int
func getOfficeHours() []OfficeHour {
return []OfficeHour{
Id: 1,
Tutor: Tutor{1, "Dummy", ""},
Week: 0,
Date: Date{
Day: 0,
Hour: 12,
Minute: 0},
Room: getRooms()[0],
Course: getCourses()[0],
Info: "",
Active: true,
Duration: 60},
Id: 2,
Tutor: Tutor{1, "Dummy", ""},
Week: 0,
Date: Date{
Day: 0,
Hour: 13,
Minute: 30},
Room: getRooms()[0],
Course: getCourses()[1],
Info: "",
Active: true,
Duration: 90},
Id: 3,
Tutor: Tutor{1, "Dummy", ""},
Week: 0,
Date: Date{Day: 0,
Hour: 12,
Minute: 45},
Room: getRooms()[1],
Course: getCourses()[1],
Info: "",
Active: true,
Duration: 60}}
func getOfficeHoursByCourse(courseId int) []OfficeHour {
var result []OfficeHour
for _, option := range getOfficeHours() {
if option.Course.Id == courseId {
result = append(result, option)
return result
func getOfficeHoursByRoom(roomId int) []OfficeHour {
var result []OfficeHour
for _, option := range getOfficeHours() {
if option.Room.Id == roomId {
result = append(result, option)
return result
func getOfficeHourById(id int) OfficeHour {
return OfficeHour{}
func getTimetable(officeHours []OfficeHour) (timetable map[Date]map[int]OfficeHour, slots []int) {
var fullTimetable = make(map[Date]map[int]OfficeHour)
for _, officeHour := range officeHours {
var slot int = 0
for minute := 0; minute < officeHour.Duration; minute += minuteGranularity { // find slot id
_, exists := fullTimetable[Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}]
if exists {
_, exists := fullTimetable[Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}][slot]
if exists {
slot += 1
minute = 0
} else {
fullTimetable[Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}] = make(map[int]OfficeHour)
for minute := 0; minute < officeHour.Duration; minute += minuteGranularity { // write officeHour id to timetable
fullTimetable[Date{officeHour.Day, officeHour.Hour + (officeHour.Minute+minute)/60, (officeHour.Minute + minute) % 60}][slot] = officeHour
slots = []int{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
for date, _ := range fullTimetable {
if slots[date.Day] < len(fullTimetable[date]) {
slots[date.Day] = len(fullTimetable[date])
timetable = make(map[Date]map[int]OfficeHour)
for _, officeHour := range officeHours {
for slot := 0; slot < slots[officeHour.Date.Day]; slot += 1 {
if fullTimetable[officeHour.Date][slot] == officeHour {
timetable[officeHour.Date] = make(map[int]OfficeHour)
timetable[officeHour.Date][slot] = officeHour
return fullTimetable, slots
func printTimetable(timetable map[Date]map[int]OfficeHour, slots []int) template.HTML {
var tableBody string
tableCell, _ := template.ParseFiles("templates/td.html")
for hour := 8; hour < 19; hour += 1 {
for minute := 0; minute < 60; minute += minuteGranularity {
tableBody += "<tr>"
if minute == 0 {
tableBody += fmt.Sprintf("<td>%d Uhr</td>\n", hour)
} else {
tableBody += "<td></td>\n"
for day := 0; day < 5; day += 1 {
for slot := 0; slot < slots[day]; slot += 1 {
current, currentExists := timetable[Date{day, hour, minute}][slot]
if currentExists { // This slot is taken by some office hour
var continued bool = false // is this slot occupied by the same office hour the previous minute?
var predecessorExists bool
var predecessor OfficeHour
if hour > 0 && minute < minuteGranularity {
predecessor, predecessorExists = timetable[Date{day, hour - 1, 60 - minuteGranularity}][slot]
} else {
predecessor, predecessorExists = timetable[Date{day, hour, minute - minuteGranularity}][slot]
if predecessorExists {
continued = (predecessor == current)
} else {
continued = false
if continued {
} else {
var celldata bytes.Buffer
data := struct {
Rowspan int
StartHour int
StartMinute int
EndHour int
EndMinute int
CourseName string
TutorName string
RoomName string
}{current.Duration / minuteGranularity,
current.Hour + ((current.Minute + current.Duration) / 60),
(current.Minute + current.Duration) % 60,
tableCell.Execute(&celldata, data)
tableBody += celldata.String()
} else {
if slot+1 == slots[day] {
tableBody += "<td style=\"border-right: 1px dotted\"></td>\n"
} else {
tableBody += "<td></td>\n"
tableBody += "</tr>\n"
var table bytes.Buffer
tableTemplate, _ := template.ParseFiles("templates/officeHourTable.html")
tableData := struct {
ColspanMon int
ColspanTue int
ColspanWed int
ColspanThu int
ColspanFri int
TableBody template.HTML
tableTemplate.Execute(&table, tableData)
return template.HTML(table.String())

repositories/course.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// course
package repositories
import (
type CourseRepo struct {
db *sql.DB
func NewCourseRepo(db *sql.DB) *CourseRepo {
return &CourseRepo{
db: db,
func (r *CourseRepo) FindByName(name string) (models.Course, error) {
row := r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM course WHERE name=?", name)
var course models.Course
if err := row.Scan(&course.Id, &course.Name); err != nil {
return models.Course{}, err
return course, nil
func (r *CourseRepo) FindById(id int) (models.Course, error) {
row := r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM course WHERE id=?", id)
var course models.Course
if err := row.Scan(&course.Id, &course.Name); err != nil {
return models.Course{}, err
return course, nil
func (r *CourseRepo) GetAll() ([]models.Course, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM course")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
return r.getFromRows(rows)
func (r *CourseRepo) GetActive() ([]models.Course, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM course WHERE active")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
return r.getFromRows(rows)
func (r *CourseRepo) getFromRows(rows *sql.Rows) ([]models.Course, error) {
var courses []models.Course
for rows.Next() {
var course models.Course
if err := rows.Scan(&course.Id, &course.Name); err != nil {
return courses, err
courses = append(courses, course)
return courses, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// officeHour
package repositories
import (
type OfficeHourRepo struct {
db *sql.DB
roomRepo *RoomRepo
tutorRepo *TutorRepo
courseRepo *CourseRepo
func NewOfficeHourRepo(db *sql.DB, roomRepo *RoomRepo, tutorRepo *TutorRepo, courseRepo *CourseRepo) *OfficeHourRepo {
return &OfficeHourRepo{
db: db,
roomRepo: roomRepo,
tutorRepo: tutorRepo,
courseRepo: courseRepo,
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) GetAll() ([]models.OfficeHour, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM officeHour")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
return r.getFromRows(rows)
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) FindByCourse(course models.Course) ([]models.OfficeHour, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM officeHour WHERE course=?", course.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
return r.getFromRows(rows)
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) FindByRoom(room models.Room) ([]models.OfficeHour, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM officeHour WHERE room=?", room.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
return r.getFromRows(rows)
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) FindById(id int) (models.OfficeHour, error) {
return r.getFromRow(r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM officeHour WHERE id=?", id))
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) Add(officeHour models.OfficeHour) error {
return nil
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) Delete(officeHour models.OfficeHour) error {
return nil
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) getFromRow(row *sql.Row) (models.OfficeHour, error) {
var officeHour models.OfficeHour
var day, hour, minute, tutorid int
var roomName, courseName string
err := row.Scan(&officeHour.Id, &tutorid, &day, &hour, &minute, &roomName, &courseName, &officeHour.Week, &officeHour.Info, &officeHour.Active, &officeHour.Duration)
if err != nil {
return models.OfficeHour{}, err
officeHour.Date = models.Date{day, hour, minute}
officeHour.Room, _ = r.roomRepo.FindByName(roomName)
officeHour.Tutor, _ = r.tutorRepo.FindById(tutorid)
officeHour.Course, _ = r.courseRepo.FindByName(courseName)
return officeHour, nil
func (r *OfficeHourRepo) getFromRows(rows *sql.Rows) ([]models.OfficeHour, error) {
var officeHours []models.OfficeHour
for rows.Next() {
var officeHour models.OfficeHour
var day, hour, minute, tutorId, roomId, courseId int
if err := rows.Scan(&officeHour.Id, &tutorId, &day, &hour, &minute, &roomId, &courseId, &officeHour.Week, &officeHour.Info, &officeHour.Active, &officeHour.Duration); err != nil {
return officeHours, err
officeHour.Date = models.Date{day, hour, minute}
officeHour.Room, _ = r.roomRepo.FindById(roomId)
officeHour.Tutor, _ = r.tutorRepo.FindById(tutorId)
officeHour.Course, _ = r.courseRepo.FindById(courseId)
officeHours = append(officeHours, officeHour)
return officeHours, nil

repositories/room.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// raum
package repositories
import (
type RoomRepo struct {
db *sql.DB
func NewRoomRepo(db *sql.DB) *RoomRepo {
return &RoomRepo{
db: db,
func (r *RoomRepo) FindByName(name string) (models.Room, error) {
row := r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM room WHERE name=?", name)
var room models.Room
if err := row.Scan(&room.Name, &room.MaxOccupy); err != nil {
return models.Room{}, err
return room, nil
func (r *RoomRepo) FindById(id int) (models.Room, error) {
row := r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM room WHERE id=?", id)
var room models.Room
if err := row.Scan(&room.Id, &room.Name, &room.MaxOccupy); err != nil {
return models.Room{}, err
return room, nil
func (r *RoomRepo) GetAll() ([]models.Room, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM room")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var rooms []models.Room
for rows.Next() {
var room models.Room
if err := rows.Scan(&room.Id, &room.Name, &room.MaxOccupy); err != nil {
return rooms, err
rooms = append(rooms, room)
return rooms, nil
func (r *RoomRepo) Save(room models.Room) error {
return nil
func (r *RoomRepo) Add(room models.Room) error {
return nil

repositories/tutor.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// tutor
package repositories
import (
type TutorRepo struct {
db *sql.DB
func NewTutorRepo(db *sql.DB) *TutorRepo {
return &TutorRepo{
db: db,
func (r *TutorRepo) FindByEmail(email string) ([]models.Tutor, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM tutor WHERE email=?", email)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var tutors []models.Tutor
for rows.Next() {
var tutor models.Tutor
if err := rows.Scan(&tutor.Id, &tutor.Name, &tutor.Email); err != nil {
return tutors, err
tutors = append(tutors, tutor)
return tutors, nil
func (r *TutorRepo) FindById(id int) (models.Tutor, error) {
row := r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM tutor WHERE id=?", id)
var tutor models.Tutor
if err := row.Scan(&tutor.Id, &tutor.Name, &tutor.Email); err != nil {
return models.Tutor{}, err
return tutor, nil
func (r *TutorRepo) GetAll() ([]models.Tutor, error) {
rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT * FROM tutor")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var tutors []models.Tutor
for rows.Next() {
var tutor models.Tutor
if err := rows.Scan(&tutor.Id, &tutor.Name, &tutor.Email); err != nil {
return tutors, err
tutors = append(tutors, tutor)
return tutors, nil
func (r *TutorRepo) Save(tutor models.Tutor) error {
return nil
func (r *TutorRepo) Add(tutor models.Tutor) error {
return nil

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// raum
package main
type Room struct {
Id int
Name string
Max_occupy int
Active bool
func getRooms() []Room {
return []Room{
Room{1, "S2 15 345", 2, true},
Room{2, "S2 15 415", 1, true},
Room{3, "S2 15 336", 2, true},
Room{4, "S2 15 444", 1, true},
Room{5, "S2 15 333", 1, true},
Room{6, "S2 14 420", 1, false},
Room{7, "Sonstige", 255, true}}

sqldb/sqldb.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package sqldb
import (
_ ""
// ConnectDB opens a connection to the database
func ConnectDB() *sql.DB {
db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "sprechstunden.db")
if err != nil {
return db

sqlite.sql Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
-- Table structure for table `room`
`name` text NOT NULL,
`max_occupy` int DEFAULT NULL
-- Table structure for table `request`
CREATE TABLE `request` (
`officeHour` int DEFAULT NULL,
`type` int DEFAULT NULL,
`code` text DEFAULT NULL
-- Table structure for table `officeHour`
CREATE TABLE `officeHour` (
`tutor` int DEFAULT NULL,
`day` int DEFAULT NULL,
`hour` int DEFAULT NULL,
`minute` int DEFAULT NULL,
`room` int DEFAULT NULL,
`course` int DEFAULT NULL,
`week` int DEFAULT NULL,
`info` text DEFAULT NULL,
`active` bool DEFAULT NULL,
`duration` int DEFAULT NULL
-- Table structure for table `tutor`
CREATE TABLE `tutor` (
`name` tinytext DEFAULT NULL,
`email` tinytext DEFAULT NULL
-- Table structure for table `course`
CREATE TABLE `course` (
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<form method="GET" action="/getByCourse">
<label for="veranstaltung">Veranstaltung: </label>
<select name="veranstaltung" size="1" onchange="document.forms[0].submit()">
<option value="0">Alle</option>
<option value="">Alle</option>
{{range $course := .Courses}}
<option value="{{$course.Id}}"{{if eq $course.Id $.SelectedCourse}} selected{{end}}>{{$course.Name}}</option>{{end}}
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<form method="GET" action="/getByRoom">
<label for="raum">Raum: </label>
<select name="raum" size="1" onchange="document.forms[1].submit()">
<option value="0">Alle</option>
<option value="">Alle</option>
{{range $room := .Rooms}}
<option value="{{$room.Id}}"{{if eq $room.Id $.SelectedRoom}} selected{{end}}>{{$room.Name}}</option>{{end}}

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// tutor
package main
type Tutor struct {
Id int
Name string
Email string