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Author SHA1 Message Date
1b39c3085e WIE HEIẞT DAS DING? 2023-10-02 20:59:39 +02:00
bdf63adb0d include stats about clothing size 2023-10-02 20:51:36 +02:00

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@ -55,4 +55,29 @@ def wiki_stats(items: Dict[int, str], count_items: Dict[int, int], questions: Di
for item_id, item_name in items.items():
ret += f"|| {item_name} || {count_items.get(item_id)}\n|-\n"
ret += "|}\n"
# ids of the questions which represent a size of a merch product
size_ids = (312, 313, 314, 316, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323)
ret += ('== Merch-Größenverteilung ==\n'
'{|class="wikitable sortable"\n'
'! Größe/Eigenschaft !! Wert !! Anzahl\n'
for size_id in size_ids:
for size, count in quest_answers[size_id].items():
ret += f"|| {questions[size_id]}: || {size[1]} || {count}\n|-\n"
ret += "|}\n"
athene_id = 305 # ID of the question how the logo image is to be named
human_id = 147 # ticket for a human
mascot_id = 148 # ticket for a mascot
def prefix(id_):
return "Mensch sagt:" if id_ == human_id else "Maskottchen sagt:" if id_ == mascot_id else ""
ret += ('== Wie heißt das Ding? ==\n'
'{|class="wikitable sortable"\n'
'! Variante !! Stimmen\n'
for variant, count in quest_answers[athene_id].items():
ret += f"|| {prefix(variant[0])} {variant[1]} || {count}\n|-\n"
ret += "|}\n"
return ret