Fork 0

fix some Haskell scripts

This commit is contained in:
Malte Brandy 2022-06-03 16:46:06 +02:00
parent 0b2dd2c755
commit 37f34ed73c
4 changed files with 22 additions and 18 deletions

View file

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
name = "post-update";
bins = [pkgs.git pkgs.laminar];
imports = [
"System.Environment (lookupEnv)"
"System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory)"
} ''

View file

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-type-defaults -Wno-orphans #-}
@ -19,7 +21,10 @@ import System.Environment
load Absolute ["git", "niv"]
paths :: [Text]
paths =
$$(liftTyped . mapMaybe (\x -> foldr (<|>) Nothing $ (\bin -> Text.stripSuffix [i|/#{bin}|] $ toText x) <$> ["git", "tar", "nix-prefetch-url", "gzip"]) =<< runIO pathBinsAbs)
$$( bindCode (runIO pathBinsAbs) \rawPaths ->
let wantedPaths :: [Text] = mapMaybe (\x -> foldr (<|>) Nothing $ (\bin -> Text.stripSuffix [i|/#{bin}|] $ toText x) <$> ["git", "tar", "nix-prefetch-url", "gzip"]) rawPaths
in liftTyped wantedPaths
repo = "git@hera.m-0.eu:nixos-config"

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Relude
import Say
import Shh
import System.Environment
import System.Environment (getEnv, setEnv)
load Absolute ["laminarc", "git", "nix-build"]
@ -26,21 +26,21 @@ repo = "git@hera.m-0.eu:nixos-config"
jobs :: [String]
jobs =
$$( liftTyped
=<< runIO
( do
homes <- getEnv "HOMES"
systems <- getEnv "SYSTEMS"
let ret =
((\x -> [i|system-config-#{x}|]) <$> (words . toText) systems)
<> ((\x -> [i|home-config-#{x}|]) <$> (words . toText) homes)
say [i|Found jobs #{ret}|]
pure ret
$$( bindCode
( runIO $ do
homes <- getEnv "HOMES"
systems <- getEnv "SYSTEMS"
let ret =
((\x -> [i|system-config-#{x}|]) <$> (words . toText) systems)
<> ((\x -> [i|home-config-#{x}|]) <$> (words . toText) homes)
say [i|Found jobs #{ret}|]
pure ret
deployCommand :: String
deployCommand = $$(liftTyped =<< runIO (getEnv "DEPLOY"))
deployCommand = $$(bindCode (runIO $ getEnv "DEPLOY") liftTyped)
main = do
let process = fromMaybe "main" . (stripPrefix "refs/heads/" . toText =<<)

View file

@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ import Network.HTTP (
import Relude
import Say (say, sayErr)
import Shh (ExecReference (Absolute), load, (|>))
import System.IO (BufferMode (LineBuffering), hSetBuffering)
import System.IO (BufferMode (LineBuffering))
-- Executables used.
load Absolute ["synapse-compress-state", "cat", "psql", "rm"]
load Absolute ["synapse_compress_state", "cat", "psql", "rm"]
newtype PurgeResult = PurgeResult {purge_id :: Text} deriving (Generic, FromJSON)
newtype Status = Status {status :: Text} deriving (Generic, FromJSON)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ processRoom :: Text -> PSQL.Connection -> UTCTime -> Text -> IO ()
processRoom token conn upToTime roomId = do
whenJustM (queryLastKeptEvent conn roomId) (purgeUpToEvent token roomId upToTime)
say [i|Compressing state in room #{roomId} ...|]
synapse_compress_state "-o" filename "-p" "host=/run/postgresql user=matrix-synapse dbname=matrix-synapse" "-r" (toString roomId)
synapse'_compress'_state "-o" filename "-p" "host=/run/postgresql user=matrix-synapse dbname=matrix-synapse" "-r" (toString roomId)
cat filename |> psql "matrix-synapse"
rm filename