Fork 0

Switch back to ephemeral mode

This commit is contained in:
Malte 2023-03-10 23:33:16 +01:00
parent 0ff80e6fc6
commit 542fb3ee30
4 changed files with 20 additions and 18 deletions

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
}: let
modeFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.volatile/mode";
modeFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.mode";
wallPapers = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/media/images/wallpapers";
randomWallpaper =

View file

@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
final: _: let
inherit (final) pkgs lib;
homeDir = "/home/maralorn";
modeFile = "${homeDir}/.volatile/mode";
modeFile = "${homeDir}/mode";
modeDir = "${homeDir}/.volatile/modes";
configPath = "${homeDir}/git/config";
configGit = "${lib.getExe pkgs.git} -C ${configPath}";
get_mode = ''
mode <- decodeUtf8 @Text <$> (cat "${modeFile}" |> captureTrim)
get_available_modes = ''
available_modes <- Directory.listDirectory "${modeDir}"
get_hostname = ''
hostname <- BSC.strip <$> readFileBS "/etc/hostname"
@ -48,8 +45,6 @@ final: _: let
} ''
main = do
[mode] <- getArgs
unless (mode `elem` available_modes) do say [i|"#{mode}" is not a known mode|]; exitFailure
writeFile "${modeFile}" mode
ignoreFailure $ killall ["GeckoMain", "firefox", ".firefox-wrapped"]

View file

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import Say (say, sayErr)
import Shh (ExecReference (Absolute), Proc, captureTrim, exe, ignoreFailure, load, readInputLines, (&>), (|>))
import Shh qualified
import System.Directory (listDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
data Mode = Klausur | Orga | Communication | Code | Leisure | Unrestricted deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
@ -23,9 +25,10 @@ load Absolute ["git", "khal", "playerctl", "notmuch", "readlink", "nix", "nix-di
modes :: [Mode]
modes = enumFrom Klausur
getMode :: IO Mode
getMode = do
name <- decodeUtf8 . ByteString.strip <$> readFileBS "/home/maralorn/.volatile/mode" `onException` sayErr "File /home/maralorn/.mode not found."
getMode :: FilePath -> IO Mode
getMode home = do
let mode_file = home </> ".mode"
name <- decodeUtf8 . ByteString.strip <$> readFileBS mode_file `onException` sayErr [i|File #{mode_file} not found.|]
maybe (sayErr [i|Unknown mode #{name}|] >> error [i|Unknown mode #{name}|]) pure $ find (\mode -> name == Text.toLower (show mode)) modes
isDirty :: String -> IO Bool
@ -150,6 +153,9 @@ white = "D9E0EE"
main :: IO ()
main = do
home <- getEnv "HOME"
let git_dir = home </> "git"
modes_dir = home </> ".volatile" </> "modes"
mode_var <- newVar Unrestricted
dirty_var <- newTVarIO []
let read_mode = fst <$> readTVarIO (value mode_var)
@ -188,13 +194,13 @@ main = do
else pure 0
when' (codeUpdates /= 0) $ withColor cyan [i|Code Updates: #{codeUpdates}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) do
dirs <- listDirectory "/home/maralorn/git"
dirty <- fmap toText <$> filterM (isDirty . ("/home/maralorn/git/" <>)) dirs
dirs <- listDirectory git_dir
dirty <- fmap toText <$> filterM (isDirty . (git_dir <>)) dirs
atomically $ writeTVar dirty_var dirty
when' (not $ null dirty) $ withColor red [i|Dirty: #{Text.intercalate " " dirty}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) do
dirs <- listDirectory "/home/maralorn/git"
unpushed <- fmap toText <$> filterM (isUnpushed . ("/home/maralorn/git/" <>)) dirs
dirs <- listDirectory git_dir
unpushed <- fmap toText <$> filterM (isUnpushed . (git_dir <>)) dirs
when' (not $ null unpushed) do withColor yellow [i|Unpushed: #{Text.intercalate " " unpushed}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) do
let hosts = ["hera", "fluffy"]
@ -208,11 +214,11 @@ main = do
modes_dirty_var <- newTVarIO False
host_name <- ByteString.strip <$> readFileBS "/etc/hostname"
let scan = do
current_commit <- readFileBS "/home/maralorn/git/config/.git/refs/heads/main"
current_commit <- readFileBS (git_dir </> "config/.git/refs/heads/main")
system_commit <- Exception.try do readFileBS "/run/current-system/config-commit"
modes_commit <- Exception.try do readFileBS "/home/maralorn/.volatile/modes/config-commit"
modes_commit <- Exception.try do readFileBS (modes_dir </> "config-commit")
current_system <- readlink "/run/current-system" |> captureTrim
current_modes <- readlink "/home/maralorn/.volatile/modes" |> captureTrim
current_modes <- readlink modes_dir |> captureTrim
let stale_config :: Either Exception.IOException ByteString -> Bool = \case
(Right commit) | commit == current_commit -> False
_ -> True
@ -251,7 +257,7 @@ main = do
onUpdate mode_var $ updateVarIfChanged var . runIdentity . withColor blue . show
[ void $ simpleModule oneSecond getMode mode_var
[ void $ simpleModule oneSecond (getMode home) mode_var
, runModules modules

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ executable status-script
, base ^>=
, bytestring
, directory
, filepath
, reflex
, relude
, say