Fork 0

Make status bar more readable on dark background

This commit is contained in:
Malte 2023-03-07 12:29:18 +01:00
parent d7d10f133a
commit 5dbafc9c25

View file

@ -139,6 +139,15 @@ playerModule = \var ->
playerctl "metadata" "-F" "-f" playerCTLFormat
|> Shh.readInputLines update_lines
black = "6E6C7E"
red = "F28FAD"
green = "ABE9B3"
yellow = "FAE3B0"
blue = "96CDFB"
magenta = "F5C2E7"
cyan = "89DCEB"
white = "D9E0EE"
main :: IO ()
main = do
mode_var <- newVar Unrestricted
@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ main = do
[ simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) $ do
appointments <- lines . decodeUtf8 <$> tryCmd (khal ["list", "-a", "Standard", "-a", "Planung", "-a", "Uni", "-a", "Maltaire", "now", "2h", "-df", ""])
when' (not $ null appointments) $
withColor "8839ef" (Text.intercalate "; " appointments)
withColor magenta (Text.intercalate "; " appointments)
, playerModule
, simpleModule oneSecond $ do
mode <- read_mode
@ -156,41 +165,41 @@ main = do
if mode >= Orga
then notmuch "count" "folder:hera/Inbox" "tag:unread" |> captureTrim
else pure "0"
when' (unread /= "0") $ withColor "d20f39" [i|Unread: #{unread}|]
when' (unread /= "0") $ withColor red [i|Unread: #{unread}|]
, simpleModule oneSecond $ do
mode <- read_mode
inbox <-
if mode == Leisure
then notmuch "count" "folder:hera/Inbox" |> captureTrim
else pure "0"
when' (inbox /= "0") $ withColor "e53443" [i|Inbox: #{inbox}|]
when' (inbox /= "0") $ withColor yellow [i|Inbox: #{inbox}|]
, simpleModule oneSecond $ do
mode <- read_mode
codeMails <-
if mode == Code
then notmuch "count" "folder:hera/Code" |> captureTrim
else pure "0"
when' (codeMails /= "0") $ withColor "8839ef" [i|Code Mails: #{codeMails}|]
when' (codeMails /= "0") $ withColor blue [i|Code Mails: #{codeMails}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) $ do
mode <- read_mode
codeUpdates <-
if mode == Code
then fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe . toString . Text.replace " unread articles" "" . decodeUtf8 <$> tryCmd (exe "software-updates" "-x" "print-unread")
else pure 0
when' (codeUpdates /= 0) $ withColor "179299" [i|Code Updates: #{codeUpdates}|]
when' (codeUpdates /= 0) $ withColor cyan [i|Code Updates: #{codeUpdates}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) do
dirs <- listDirectory "/home/maralorn/git"
dirty <- fmap toText <$> filterM (isDirty . ("/home/maralorn/git/" <>)) dirs
atomically $ writeTVar dirty_var dirty
when' (not $ null dirty) $ withColor "e64443" [i|Dirty: #{Text.intercalate " " dirty}|]
when' (not $ null dirty) $ withColor red [i|Dirty: #{Text.intercalate " " dirty}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) do
dirs <- listDirectory "/home/maralorn/git"
unpushed <- fmap toText <$> filterM (isUnpushed . ("/home/maralorn/git/" <>)) dirs
when' (not $ null unpushed) do withColor "fe640b" [i|Unpushed: #{Text.intercalate " " unpushed}|]
when' (not $ null unpushed) do withColor yellow [i|Unpushed: #{Text.intercalate " " unpushed}|]
, simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) do
let hosts = ["hera", "fluffy"]
unreachable_hosts <- flip filterM hosts \host -> isLeft <$> (Shh.tryFailure do (tailscale "ping" "-c" "1" (toString host)) &> Shh.devNull)
when' ([] /= unreachable_hosts) do withColor "c00000" [i|No tunnel to #{Text.intercalate ", " unreachable_hosts}|]
when' ([] /= unreachable_hosts) do withColor red [i|No tunnel to #{Text.intercalate ", " unreachable_hosts}|]
, \var -> do
commit_var <- newTVarIO ""
system_var <- newTVarIO ""
@ -219,6 +228,7 @@ main = do
then when (commit_change || system_change) do
say "Eval system config …"
next_system <- nix "eval" "--raw" ([i|/home/maralorn/git/config\#nixosConfigurations.#{host_name}.config.system.build.toplevel.drvPath|] :: String) |> captureTrim
say "System eval finished."
diff_is_small <- diffIsSmall next_system current_system
atomically $ writeTVar system_dirty_var (not diff_is_small)
else atomically do writeTVar system_dirty_var False
@ -226,18 +236,19 @@ main = do
then when (commit_change || modes_change) do
say "Eval home config …"
next_modes <- nix "eval" "--raw" ([i|/home/maralorn/git/config\#homeModes.#{host_name}.drvPath|] :: String) |> captureTrim
say "Home eval finished."
diff_is_small <- diffIsSmall next_modes current_modes
atomically $ writeTVar modes_dirty_var (not diff_is_small)
else atomically do writeTVar modes_dirty_var False
system_dirty <- readTVarIO system_dirty_var
modes_dirty <- readTVarIO modes_dirty_var
when' (system_dirty || modes_dirty) $ withColor "ffff00" [i|Current #{case (system_dirty,modes_dirty) of (True, True) -> "home and system"; (True, _) -> "system"; _ -> "home"} stale|]
when' (system_dirty || modes_dirty) $ withColor yellow [i|Current #{case (system_dirty,modes_dirty) of (True, True) -> "home and system"; (True, _) -> "system"; _ -> "home"} stale|]
var & simpleModule oneSecond do
Concurrent.threadDelay (4 * oneSecond)
dirty <- elem "config" <$> readTVarIO dirty_var
if dirty then pure Nothing else scan
, \var ->
onUpdate mode_var $ updateVarIfChanged var . runIdentity . withColor "7287fd" . show
onUpdate mode_var $ updateVarIfChanged var . runIdentity . withColor blue . show
[ void $ simpleModule oneSecond getMode mode_var