Fork 0

Release a multitude of fixes

This commit is contained in:
Malte Brandy 2021-01-05 16:48:41 +01:00
parent 6b3f84c0ea
commit 83d4cd3422
3 changed files with 84 additions and 63 deletions

View file

@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ in {
PATH=${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.laminar pkgs.nix ]}:$PATH nix-jobs realise-here "$DERIVATION"
contexts = {
"default.conf" = builtins.toFile "default.conf" "EXECUTORS=16";
users = {
groups.laminar = { };

View file

@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ let
export HOME=$PWD
git clone git@localhost:kassandra2 kassandra
cd kassandra
git show -q
echo "Evaluating nix-expression."
drv=$(readlink -f $(nix-instantiate kassandra/release.nix -A ${name} --add-root ./drv --indirect))
drv=$(readlink -f $(nix-instantiate release.nix -A ${name} --add-root ./drv --indirect))
echo "Evaluation done."
nix-jobs realise $drv

View file

@ -11,13 +11,15 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-type-defaults -Wno-orphans #-}
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Control.Concurrent.Async ( forConcurrently_ )
import Control.Concurrent.Async ( forConcurrently_
, race_
, withAsync
import Control.Concurrent.STM ( check )
import Control.Exception ( bracket
, catch
, handle
, handleJust
, mapException
, throwIO
import Data.Bits ( Bits((.|.)) )
@ -28,6 +30,9 @@ import Data.Text ( isInfixOf
, strip
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time ( diffUTCTime
, getCurrentTime
import Relude
import Say ( say
, sayErr
@ -42,6 +47,7 @@ import Shh ( (&!>)
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
, doesFileExist
, getModificationTime
, removeFile
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
@ -93,6 +99,18 @@ whenSelf level = when (level >= Self)
whenChildren level = when (level >= Children)
levelPrec Children = Self
levelPrec _ = None
drvBasename derivationName =
fromMaybe derivationName . viaNonEmpty last $ splitOn "/" derivationName
workspace, resultDir, runningDir :: String
workspace = "/var/lib/laminar/run/nix-build/workspace"
resultDir = [i|#{workspace}/completed-jobs|]
runningDir = [i|#{workspace}/running-jobs|]
runningPath, resultPath :: Text -> String
runningPath p = [i|#{runningDir}/#{drvBasename p}|]
resultPath p = [i|#{resultDir}/#{drvBasename p}|]
getDependenciesFromNix :: Text -> IO (Seq Text)
getDependenciesFromNix derivationName = do
everythingToDo <- nixStoreRealiseDryRun derivationName
@ -136,7 +154,7 @@ ensureDeps :: ReportLevel -> Text -> IO ()
ensureDeps level derivationName = do
dependencies <- getDependenciesFromNix derivationName
whenChildren level $ forM_ dependencies $ \dep ->
say [i|Requiring build of #{dep}.|]
say [i|Requiring #{dep}.|]
forConcurrently_ dependencies (realise $ levelPrec level)
`catch` \(JobException e) ->
throw [i|#{e}\nFailed dependency for #{derivationName}|]
@ -172,90 +190,88 @@ tryQueue derivationName = getRunningJob derivationName >>= \case
defaultMode =
ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode .|. groupReadMode .|. otherReadMode
-- Nothing means a dependency failed.
queueJobWithLaminarc :: ReportLevel -> Text -> IO Text
queueJobWithLaminarc level derivationName = tryQueue derivationName >>= maybe
(ensureRunningJob level derivationName)
(\jobName -> jobName
<$ say [i|Job #{jobName} started for #{derivationName}. Waiting ...|]
queueJobWithLaminarc level derivationName =
whenNothingM (tryQueue derivationName) (ensureRunningJob level derivationName)
ensureRunningJob :: ReportLevel -> Text -> IO Text
ensureRunningJob level derivationName = getRunningJob derivationName >>= maybe
ensureRunningJob level derivationName = whenNothingM
(getRunningJob derivationName)
(queueJobWithLaminarc level derivationName)
(\jobName -> jobName <$ whenSelf
(say [i|Job #{jobName} running for #{derivationName}. Waiting ...|])
drvBasename derivationName =
fromMaybe derivationName . viaNonEmpty last $ splitOn "/" derivationName
workspace, resultDir, runningDir :: String
workspace = "/var/lib/laminar/run/nix-build/workspace"
resultDir = [i|#{workspace}/completed-jobs|]
runningDir = [i|#{workspace}/running-jobs|]
runningPath :: Text -> String
runningPath p = [i|#{runningDir}/#{drvBasename p}|]
resultPath :: Text -> String
resultPath p = [i|#{resultDir}/#{drvBasename p}|]
-- Nothing means there is no running Job.
getRunningJob :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
getRunningJob p = do
let path = runningPath p
pathExists <- doesFileExist path
if pathExists
handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ pure Nothing)
$ Just
<$> readFileText path
else pure Nothing
getRunningJob derivationName = poll
path = runningPath derivationName
request = do
pathExists <- doesFileExist path
if pathExists
handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ pure Nothing)
$ Just
<$> readFileText path
else pure Nothing
poll = go 0
go count = do
mayJob <- request
if count < 50 && mayJob == Just ""
then threadDelay 10000 >> go (count + 1)
else pure mayJob
realise :: ReportLevel -> Text -> IO ()
realise level derivationName = do
ensureDeps level derivationName
jobName <- ensureRunningJob level derivationName
whenSelf level
$ say [i|Job #{jobName} running for #{derivationName}. Waiting ...|]
(\(WaitException e) -> do
[i|Retrying to find or create a job for #{derivationName} after waiting for job failed with error "#{e}" |]
whenSelf level
$ sayErr
[i|Retrying to find or create a job for #{derivationName} after waiting for job failed with error "#{e}" |]
realise level derivationName
$ do
waitForJob derivationName >>= \case
Success -> whenSelf level
$ say [i|Job #{jobName} completed build for #{derivationName}.|]
Failure -> throw [i|Job #{jobName} failed build #{derivationName}.|]
$ say [i|Job #{jobName} completed #{derivationName}.|]
Failure -> throw [i|Job #{jobName} failed #{derivationName}.|]
checkStaleness :: Text -> IO ()
checkStaleness derivationName = forever $ do
whenJustM (getRunningJob derivationName) $ \jobName ->
handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const pass) $ do
nothingQueued <-
T.null . decodeUtf8 <$> (laminarc "show-queued" |> captureTrim)
knownJobs <-
fmap strip
. lines
. decodeUtf8
<$> (laminarc "show-running" |> captureTrim)
now <- getCurrentTime
fileTime <- getModificationTime (runningPath derivationName)
let notRunning = not $ any (`isInfixOf` jobName) knownJobs
oldEnough = diffUTCTime now fileTime > 60
stale = notRunning && nothingQueued && oldEnough
when stale $ do
removeFile (runningPath derivationName)
[i|File #{runningPath derivationName} claiming job name "#{jobName}" seems to be stale. Deleting File.|]
threadDelay 10000000
waitForJob :: Text -> IO JobResult
waitForJob derivationName = do
done <- newTVarIO False
let finished = atomically (writeTVar done True)
getJob = go 0
go count = do
mayJob <- mapException (\(e :: JobException) -> (coerce e :: WaitException))
<$> getRunningJob derivationName
if count < 50 && mayJob == Just ""
then threadDelay 100 >> go (count + 1)
else pure mayJob
withManager $ \manager -> do
_ <- watchDir manager runningDir fileDeleted (const finished)
mayJob <- getJob
whenNothing_ mayJob finished
whenJust mayJob $ \jobName -> do
runningJobs <-
fmap strip
. lines
. decodeUtf8
<$> (laminarc "show-running" |> captureTrim)
unless (any (`isInfixOf` jobName) runningJobs) $ do
handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const pass)
$ removeFile (runningPath derivationName)
[i|File #{runningPath derivationName} is stale. It contains the job name "#{jobName}", but running jobs are only #{runningJobs}. Deleting File.|]
atomically $ readTVar done >>= check
_ <- watchDir manager runningDir fileDeleted (const finished)
(whenNothingM_ (getRunningJob derivationName) finished)
(const $ race_ (atomically $ readTVar done >>= check)
(checkStaleness derivationName)
resultText <-
(guard . isDoesNotExistError)