Fork 0

Remove streamly

This commit is contained in:
Malte 2023-04-16 18:14:42 +02:00
parent 0c38673acd
commit 9747b70fe6
3 changed files with 103 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
@ -33,8 +31,6 @@ mkDerivation {

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@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM qualified as STM
import Control.Exception (catch, onException)
import Control.Exception qualified as Exception
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
-- import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
-- import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as ByteStringChar
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LBSC
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap
-- import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time qualified as Time
@ -19,18 +21,20 @@ import Relude
import Say (say, sayErr)
import Shh (ExecReference (Absolute), Proc, captureTrim, exe, ignoreFailure, load, readInputLines, (&>), (|>))
import Shh qualified
import Streamly.Data.Array (Array)
import Streamly.Data.Array qualified as Array
import Streamly.Data.Fold (Fold)
import Streamly.Data.Fold qualified as Fold
import Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude (MonadAsync, Stream)
import Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude qualified as Stream
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux qualified as FileSystemStream
import Streamly.Unicode.Stream qualified as Unicode
-- import Streamly.Data.Array (Array)
-- import Streamly.Data.Array qualified as Array
-- import Streamly.Data.Fold (Fold)
-- import Streamly.Data.Fold qualified as Fold
-- import Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude (MonadAsync, Stream)
-- import Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude qualified as Stream
-- import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux qualified as FileSystemStream
-- import Streamly.Unicode.Stream qualified as Unicode
import System.Directory (listDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Unsafe qualified as Unsafe
-- import System.IO.Unsafe qualified as Unsafe
data Mode = Klausur | Orga | Communication | Code | Leisure | Unrestricted deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
@ -47,48 +51,48 @@ getMode home = do
name <- decodeUtf8 . ByteStringChar.strip <$> readFileBS mode_file `onException` sayErr [i|File #{mode_file} not found.|]
maybe (sayErr [i|Unknown mode #{name}|] >> error [i|Unknown mode #{name}|]) pure $ find (\mode -> name == Text.toLower (show mode)) modes
home = "/home/maralorn"
-- home = "/home/maralorn"
modeFile = home </> ".mode"
-- modeFile = home </> ".mode"
toByteArray :: String -> Array Word8
toByteArray = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO . Stream.fold Array.write . Unicode.encodeUtf8 . Stream.fromList
modeStream :: Stream IO (Either Text Mode)
modeStream = do
FileSystemStream.watch (fromList [toByteArray home])
& ( Stream.mapMaybe \case
event | FileSystemStream.getRelPath event == toByteArray ".mode" -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
& Stream.cons ()
& Stream.mapM \_ ->
name <- decodeUtf8 . ByteStringChar.strip <$> readFileBS modeFile `onException` sayErr [i|File #{modeFile} not found.|]
pure $ maybe (Left [i|Unknown mode #{name}|]) Right $ find (\mode -> name == Text.toLower (show mode)) modes
modeModuleStream :: Stream IO (Either Text Mode) -> Stream IO (Maybe Text)
modeModuleStream =
fmap $
Just . \case
Left err -> withColor' red err
Right mode -> withColor' blue (show mode)
hush = \case
Left _ -> Nothing
Right x -> Just x
setDefault :: Monad m => a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
setDefault = \default_value -> Stream.scan (Fold.foldl' (const id) default_value)
withColor' :: Text -> Text -> Text
withColor' color content = [i|${color \##{color}}#{content}|]
defaultedModeStream :: Stream IO (Either Text Mode) -> Stream IO Mode
defaultedModeStream =
setDefault Orga
. Stream.catMaybes
. fmap hush
-- toByteArray :: String -> Array Word8
-- toByteArray = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO . Stream.fold Array.write . Unicode.encodeUtf8 . Stream.fromList
-- modeStream :: Stream IO (Either Text Mode)
-- modeStream = do
-- FileSystemStream.watch (fromList [toByteArray home])
-- & ( Stream.mapMaybe \case
-- event | FileSystemStream.getRelPath event == toByteArray ".mode" -> Just ()
-- _ -> Nothing
-- )
-- & Stream.cons ()
-- & Stream.mapM \_ ->
-- do
-- name <- decodeUtf8 . ByteStringChar.strip <$> readFileBS modeFile `onException` sayErr [i|File #{modeFile} not found.|]
-- pure $ maybe (Left [i|Unknown mode #{name}|]) Right $ find (\mode -> name == Text.toLower (show mode)) modes
-- modeModuleStream :: Stream IO (Either Text Mode) -> Stream IO (Maybe Text)
-- modeModuleStream =
-- fmap $
-- Just . \case
-- Left err -> withColor' red err
-- Right mode -> withColor' blue (show mode)
-- hush = \case
-- Left _ -> Nothing
-- Right x -> Just x
-- setDefault :: Monad m => a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
-- setDefault = \default_value -> Stream.scan (Fold.foldl' (const id) default_value)
-- withColor' :: Text -> Text -> Text
-- withColor' color content = [i|${color \##{color}}#{content}|]
-- defaultedModeStream :: Stream IO (Either Text Mode) -> Stream IO Mode
-- defaultedModeStream =
-- setDefault Orga
-- . Stream.catMaybes
-- . fmap hush
isDirty :: String -> IO Bool
isDirty gitDir = ((/= "") <$> (git "--no-optional-locks" "-C" gitDir "status" "--porcelain" |> captureTrim)) `catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> pure True)
@ -367,53 +371,53 @@ notificationBlockList = ["Automatic suspend", "Auto suspend"]
diffIsSmall = \pathA pathB -> (== "[]") <$> (nix_diff "--json" [pathA, pathB] |> jq ".inputsDiff.inputDerivationDiffs" |> captureTrim)
-- | Drain first stream exactly once, second stream as often as you want!
mirrorStream :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => Stream m a -> m (Stream m a, Stream m a)
mirrorStream stream = do
emiters <- newIORef []
( stream
& Stream.finally
( do
emiters' <- readIORef emiters
forM_ emiters' \emiter -> emiter Nothing
& Stream.mapM
( \x -> do
emiters' <- readIORef emiters
forM_ emiters' \emiter -> emiter (Just x)
pure x
, Stream.fromCallback (\emit -> modifyIORef' emiters (emit :)) & Stream.takeWhile isJust & Stream.catMaybes
collectLatestJusts :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m (Maybe a)] -> Stream m [a]
collectLatestJusts =
fmap IntMap.elems
. Stream.scan (Fold.foldl' (&) IntMap.empty)
. Stream.parList id
. zipWith (\index stream -> (\new_value -> IntMap.alter (const new_value) index) <$> stream) [0 ..]
toStatusFile :: MonadIO m => Fold m [Text] ()
toStatusFile =
( const \modules -> do
print modules
writeFileText "/run/user/1000/status-bar"
. Text.intercalate separator
. reverse
$ modules
newmain :: IO ()
newmain = do
let modules =
[ modeModuleStream modeStream
collectLatestJusts modules
-- & Stream.sampleIntervalEnd 0.05
& Stream.fold toStatusFile
---- | Drain first stream exactly once, second stream as often as you want!
-- mirrorStream :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => Stream m a -> m (Stream m a, Stream m a)
-- mirrorStream stream = do
-- emiters <- newIORef []
-- pure
-- ( stream
-- & Stream.finally
-- ( do
-- emiters' <- readIORef emiters
-- forM_ emiters' \emiter -> emiter Nothing
-- )
-- & Stream.mapM
-- ( \x -> do
-- emiters' <- readIORef emiters
-- forM_ emiters' \emiter -> emiter (Just x)
-- pure x
-- )
-- , Stream.fromCallback (\emit -> modifyIORef' emiters (emit :)) & Stream.takeWhile isJust & Stream.catMaybes
-- )
-- collectLatestJusts :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m (Maybe a)] -> Stream m [a]
-- collectLatestJusts =
-- fmap IntMap.elems
-- . Stream.scan (Fold.foldl' (&) IntMap.empty)
-- . Stream.parList id
-- . zipWith (\index stream -> (\new_value -> IntMap.alter (const new_value) index) <$> stream) [0 ..]
-- toStatusFile :: MonadIO m => Fold m [Text] ()
-- toStatusFile =
-- Fold.foldlM'
-- ( const \modules -> do
-- print modules
-- writeFileText "/run/user/1000/status-bar"
-- . Text.intercalate separator
-- . reverse
-- $ modules
-- )
-- pass
-- newmain :: IO ()
-- newmain = do
-- let modules =
-- [ modeModuleStream modeStream
-- ]
-- collectLatestJusts modules
-- -- & Stream.sampleIntervalEnd 0.05
-- & Stream.fold toStatusFile
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap

View file

@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ executable status-script
, say
, shh
, stm
, streamly
, streamly-core
, string-interpolate
, time