Fork 0

Can’t have a status-script without GADTs can we?

This commit is contained in:
Malte 2023-03-02 04:58:22 +01:00
parent 88cc11fb88
commit a09071f8f6

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Unique qualified as Unique
import Relude
import Say (sayErr)
import Shh (ExecReference (Absolute), Proc, captureTrim, exe, ignoreFailure, load, readInputLines, (|>))
@ -47,35 +49,54 @@ isUnpushed gitDir = do
tryCmd :: Proc a -> IO LBS.ByteString
tryCmd x = ignoreFailure x |> captureTrim
data Var a = MkVar
{ value :: TVar a
, update :: TMVar ()
newtype Var a = MkVar
{ value :: TVar (a, Unique.Unique)
getUnique = fmap snd . readTVar . value
getVal = fmap fst . readTVar . value
newVar :: a -> IO (Var a)
newVar initial_value = atomically $ MkVar <$> newTVar initial_value <*> newEmptyTMVar
newVar initial_value = do
unique <- Unique.newUnique
MkVar <$> newTVarIO (initial_value, unique)
newMaybeVar :: IO (Var (Maybe a))
newMaybeVar = atomically $ MkVar <$> newTVar Nothing <*> newEmptyTMVar
newMaybeVar = newVar Nothing
type Vars = [Var (Maybe Text)]
type Module a = Var a -> IO Void
repeatM :: IO a -> IO Void
repeatM action = fix (action >>)
writeVars :: Vars -> IO Void
writeVars vars = repeatM do
outputs <- atomically $ do
updates <- forM vars $ \MkVar{update} -> tryTakeTMVar update
STM.check $ any isJust updates
forM vars \MkVar{value} -> readTVar value
writeVars vars = onUpdatesMono vars do
outputs <- atomically $ mapM getVal vars
writeFileText "/run/user/1000/status-bar" $
Text.replace "&" "&amp;" $
Text.unwords $
("<executor.markup.true>" :) $
catMaybes outputs
data AnyVar where
AVar :: Var a -> AnyVar
onUpdate :: Var a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO Void
onUpdate var action = onUpdatesMono [var] do
action =<< atomically (getVal var)
onUpdatesMono :: [Var a] -> IO () -> IO Void
onUpdatesMono = onUpdates . fmap AVar
onUpdates :: [AnyVar] -> IO () -> IO Void
onUpdates vars action = go []
go previous_uniques = do
next_uniques <- atomically $ do
current_uniques <- mapM (\(AVar a) -> getUnique a) vars
STM.check $ previous_uniques /= current_uniques
pure current_uniques
go next_uniques
runModules :: [Module (Maybe Text)] -> IO ()
runModules modules = do
(vars, actions) <-
@ -90,16 +111,17 @@ foldConcurrently_ = Async.mapConcurrently_ id
oneSecond :: Int
oneSecond = 1000000
updateVarIfChanged :: Eq a => Var a -> a -> STM ()
updateVarIfChanged MkVar{value, update} new_value = do
old_value <- readTVar value
unless (old_value == new_value) do
writeTVar value new_value
putTMVar update ()
updateVarIfChanged :: Eq a => Var a -> a -> IO ()
updateVarIfChanged var@MkVar{value} new_value = do
new_unique <- Unique.newUnique
atomically do
old_value <- getVal var
unless (old_value == new_value) do
writeTVar value (new_value, new_unique)
simpleModule :: Eq a => Int -> IO a -> Module a
simpleModule delay action var = repeatM do
atomically . updateVarIfChanged var =<< action
simpleModule delay action var = forever do
updateVarIfChanged var =<< action
Concurrent.threadDelay delay
withColor :: Monad m => Text -> Text -> m (Maybe Text)
@ -115,8 +137,7 @@ playerModule :: Module (Maybe Text)
playerModule = \var ->
let update_lines =
( atomically
. updateVarIfChanged var
( updateVarIfChanged var
. Just
. Text.replace "@Stopped" ""
. Text.replace "@Playing" ""
@ -131,7 +152,7 @@ playerModule = \var ->
main :: IO ()
main = do
mode_var <- newVar Unrestricted
let read_mode = readTVarIO (value mode_var)
let read_mode = fst <$> readTVarIO (value mode_var)
modules =
[ simpleModule (5 * oneSecond) $ do
appointments <- lines . decodeUtf8 <$> tryCmd (khal ["list", "-a", "Standard", "-a", "Planung", "-a", "Uni", "-a", "Maltaire", "now", "2h", "-df", ""])
@ -196,9 +217,8 @@ main = do
when' (system_dirty || modes_dirty) $ withColor "ffff00" [i|Current #{case (system_dirty,modes_dirty) of (True, True) -> "home and system"; (True, _) -> "system"; _ -> "home"} stale|]
, \var -> forever do
atomically . updateVarIfChanged var =<< withColor "7287fd" . show =<< read_mode
atomically $ takeTMVar (update mode_var)
, \var ->
onUpdate mode_var $ updateVarIfChanged var . runIdentity . withColor "7287fd" . show
[ void $ simpleModule oneSecond getMode mode_var