self: super: let bins = [ self.nix ]; repoSrc = ""; configPath = "/etc/nixos"; systems = [ "apollo" "hera" ]; homes = self.lib.attrNames (import ../home-manager/machines.nix); imports = [ "Control.Exception (onException)" ]; haskellBody = name: drv: target: '' main = do (configDir:hostname:_) <- getArgs (Text.dropAround ('"' ==) . decodeUtf8 . trim -> homeManagerChannel) <- nix_instantiate "--eval" "-E" ([i|(import #{configDir}/channels.nix).#{hostname}.home-manager-channel|] :: String) |> captureTrim (Text.dropAround ('"' ==) . decodeUtf8 . trim -> nixpkgsChannel) <- nix_instantiate "--eval" "-E" ([i|(import #{configDir}/channels.nix).#{hostname}.nixpkgs-channel|] :: String) |> captureTrim paths <- aNixPath homeManagerChannel nixpkgsChannel (toText configDir) say [i|Trying to build ${name} config for #{hostname}.|] (Text.dropAround ('"' ==) . decodeUtf8 . trim -> derivationName) <- (nix_instantiate $ ${drv}) |> captureTrim exe "nix-jobs" ["realise", toString derivationName] nix_store ["-r", toString derivationName, "--indirect", "--add-root", ${target}] say [i|Build of ${name} config for #{hostname} was successful.|] ''; in { test-system-config = self.writeHaskellScript { name = "test-system-config"; inherit bins; inherit imports; } (haskellBody "system" ''buildSystemParams ++ paths ++ ["-I", [i|nixos-config=#{configDir}/nixos/machines/#{hostname}/configuration.nix|]]'' "[i|result-system-#{hostname}|]"); test-home-config = self.writeHaskellScript { name = "test-home-config"; inherit bins; inherit imports; } (haskellBody "home" ''paths ++ [[i|#{configDir}/home-manager/target.nix|], "-A", hostname]'' "[i|result-home-manager-#{hostname}|]"); test-config = self.writeHaskellScript { name = "test-config"; bins = [ self.test-system-config self.test-home-config self.git self.niv.bin self.git-crypt self.laminar ]; imports = [ "System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory)" ]; } '' main = do bump <- maybe False (== "bump") . listToMaybe <$> getArgs git "clone" "${repoSrc}" "config" withCurrentDirectory "config" $ do when bump $ ignoreFailure $ niv "update" changed <- (mempty /=) <$> (git "status" "--porcelain" |> captureTrim) when changed $ do git "config" "" "" git "config" "" "maralorn (nix-auto-updater)" git "commit" "-am" "Update dependencies with niv" git "push" "-f" "origin" "HEAD:niv-bump" let branch = if bump then "niv-bump" else "master" concurrently_ (mapConcurrently_ (\x -> laminarc ["run", [i|system-config-#{x}|], [i|BRANCH=#{branch}|]]) ${ self.haskellList systems }) (mapConcurrently_ (\x -> laminarc ["run", [i|home-config-#{x}|], [i|BRANCH=#{branch}|]]) ${ self.haskellList homes }) when changed $ git "push" "origin" "master:master" ''; }