self: super: { # pkgs assumed to be present on a non nixos host nixFlakes = self.writeShellScriptBin "flix" ''exec ${self.nix}/bin/nix --log-format bar-with-logs "$@"''; core-system-pkgs = { inherit (self) gitFull gnumake mkpasswd file wget curl wireguard gnupg mutt bind liboping psmisc unzip rename whois lsof parted python3 binutils ntfsprogs neovim ; }; extra-system-pkgs = { inherit (self.python3Packages) qrcode; inherit (self) htop btop tree pwgen borgbackup inotifyTools direnv socat nmap ncdu tcpdump tmux tig exa fzf ag fd bat ripgrep ranger pass sshuttle vnstat entr libargon2 mblaze niv compsize mediainfo asciinema gomuks nix-output-monitor fdroidserver jq cachix nixFlakes ; }; my-home-pkgs = { print215 = super.writeShellScriptBin "print215" '' scp "$@" ag-forward: ssh ag-forward lpr -Zduplex -r "$@" ''; print215single = super.writeShellScriptBin "print215single" '' scp "$@" ag-forward: ssh ag-forward lpr -r "$@" ''; mytmux = super.writeShellScriptBin "mytmux" '' session=$(${self.tmux}/bin/tmux ls | grep -v attached | head -1 | cut -f1 -d:) if [[ -n $session ]]; then exec ${self.tmux}/bin/tmux attach -t $session; else exec ${self.tmux}/bin/tmux; fi ''; }; desktop-pkgs = { inherit (self) lm_sensors xwayland xdg_utils libnotify kassandra shotcut mlt audacity paprefs wl-clipboard nheko dconf2nix haskell-docs-cli ; inherit (self.gnomeExtensions) appindicator system-monitor clipboard-indicator emoji-selector window-is-ready-remover nothing-to-say notification-banner-position gtile caffeine dash-to-panel ; executor = self.gnomeExtensions.executor.overrideAttrs (old: { postInstall = (old.postInstall or "") + '' substituteInPlace $out/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ --replace "'/bin/bash'" "'bash'" ''; }); inherit (self.gnome) dconf dconf-editor gnome-tweaks gnome-shell-extensions adwaita-icon-theme gnome-session ; }; home-pkgs = { inherit (self.pythonPackages) yapf jsbeautifier; inherit (self) go gdb mpc_cli ncmpcpp shfmt htmlTidy astyle nodejs tasksh magic-wormhole rnix-lsp alejandra rustup nix-top ghcWithPackages ghcid matrix-commander upterm lazygit gh ; obelisk = (import self.sources.obelisk {}).command; }; accounting-pkgs = { inherit (self.haskellPackages) hledger hledger-ui hledger-web; inherit (self) ledger aqbanking; }; system-pkgs = self.core-system-pkgs // self.extra-system-pkgs // { home-manager = self.callPackage "${self.sources."${self.home-manager-channel}"}/home-manager" {}; }; foreign-home-pkgs = self.extra-system-pkgs; }