#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Adapted from https://gist.github.com/heywoodlh/4c1e27f477a896bc3b0f6d55e2748d26 ## Assumes that the user is using otp plugin ## Install fzf and make sure pass is configured beforehand ## If you want to grab the otp code, use like so: `pass-fzf.sh otp`, otherwise script will assume you want password cd ~/.password-store || exit if [[ $1 == 'otp' ]] then type="otp" else type="password" fi selection="$(find -L . -name '*.gpg' | sed -e 's/.\///' -e 's/.gpg//' | fzf)" if [ ${type} == "otp" ] then pass otp "${selection}" -c else pass "${selection}" -c fi