WIP: nyarlathotep: cleanup after deployment #55

Gonne wants to merge 13 commits from Gonne/nixConfig:nyarlathotep into main
Showing only changes of commit ea956c99e7 - Show all commits

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@ -197,8 +197,15 @@ in {
] # the default ones
++ ["sieve.trusted.scripts.*"]; #for macros to be able to include our redirection script
++ ["sieve.trusted.*"]; #for macros to be able to include our redirection script
sieve.trusted.scripts.redirects.contents = "%{file:/tmp/virt_aliases}%"; # generated redirect script
sieve.trusted.from-addr = "sender"; # set the from-address to the original sender as specified in the MAIL FROM.
sieve.trusted.from-name = "sender";
sieve.trusted.return-path = "sender";
sieve.trusted.limits = {
redirects = 50;
out-messages = 50;
session.data.script = "'redirects'";
authentication.fallback-admin = {