forked from Fachschaft/nixConfig
932 B
932 B
Required Software
- ssh
- git
- sops
- nix
ask Student Council
self explenatory
get a key and transponder
inclusion into the Matrix Chat
self explenatory
get added to the
mail thing
get azatoth account
- Example user
sudo adduser dennis --disabled-password
to create the usersudo usermod -a -G sudo dennis
to give admin priviledges to the user- SSH-Pubkey in
- Set correct rights for
- The following has worked
chown -R dennis:dennis .ssh/
chmod 755 .ssh/
chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys
- You can now connect with
get access to the pass on azatoth
Right there is one gpg key on azatoth that is secured with a password. You should get the password.